Contact Spaxton Parish Council

Want to contact Spaxton Parish Council?

Here are the contact details so you can get in touch with the Clerk to the Parish Council and other Parish Council Members.

In the event of flooding or other emergency, the single point of contact is Alan Cable on 01278 671344

Click on the tabs for details.

Sue Felstead, Council Clerk           

Tel: 01278 425853 or 07771604027


Clerk to Spaxton Parish Council
Greenway Farm
Skimmerton Lane
Somerset TA5 2AX

Simon Stretton, Council Chairman01278 671137
Robert Adcock, Vice Chairman01278 671604
Martin Brown01278 671721
Alan Cable01278 671344
Shelly Duggan01278 671962
Mike Hodson01278 671049
David Jeanes01278 671213
Josh Schwieso01278 671396
Pete Williams01278 671233
Gillian Wintle01278 671344
(For allotment enquiries please contact Pete Williams; for footpaths, Shelly Duggan)