The Parish Plan is a document prepared by the Spaxton Parish Plan and Village Design Statement Working Party in October 2003.
Part 1 of the Parish Plan is the Village Design Statement.
This design statement concerns the parish of Spaxton. Included in the parish is an area inside the Quantock AONB which is subject to specific planning constraints. This design statement has been prepared by a working party of local people, working under the aegis of the Spaxton Society, a local amenity group, with the full support of the Parish Council.
The purpose of this Village Design Statement is to influence the ongoing maintenance of the village and to guide future developments. It should be used by residents, planners, developers, builders and public bodies as a framework for the future structure of the village.
The documents are bookmarked to help you jump to the section you are interested in.
To view a copy of Part 1 in a new window click on the following:
Part 2 of the Parish Plan
Part 2 is a summary of – 1) Areas of concern which were raised by the inhabitants of Spaxton in their responses to the 2002 Parish Plan and Village Design Statement Questionnaire, and 2) Actions taken by the Parish Plan and Village Design Working Party including summaries of the replies from various official bodies to communications from the Working Party explaining these areas of concern.
To view a copy of Part 2 of the Parish Plan in a new window please click below: